Thursday, April 11, 2013


Hello Atlantic Ocean! 
 We returned to Casablanca for the night in order to fly out early the next morning, so got a free afternoon to explore the city of so much cinematic fame. After a quick bite to eat on the beach, we were off exploring!
Hassan II Mosque
 Hassan II Mosque, located right on the Atlantic Ocean, is the largest mosque in Morocco, and the 7th largest in the world. It boats the world's tallest minaret at 210 meters, and can accommodate 25,000 worshipers inside the mosque itself, and another 80,000 in the plaza. The building is just massive, pictures don't do it justice. Look down at the pictures of the people next to the archways, and you will see the comparative size of this massive structure. It is also one of the most beautiful buildings I've ever seen; intricate mosaics, handcrafted stucco, soaring archways and bronze chandeliers. Construction involved 35,000 workers and over 50 million hours of labor.  
Hassan II Mosque
Hassan II Mosque
Hassan II Mosque
Hassan II Mosque
Anyone seen Humphrey Bogart?
We spent the rest of the day wandering the city. Each stop in Morocco had such a different feel, and Casablanca definitely felt more like a European city. It is the economic center of Morocco, and is trying to modernize, becoming a symbol of the future for Northern Africa. There is a mesh of old and new in Casablanca; we wandered the old souk to the left of our hotel, and explored the Westernized finance district to the right. And yes, we did find Rick's Cafe; there are actually about 70 throughout Casablanca, each claiming to be the original. No Humphrey Bogart sightings though...

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